Service Level Benchmarks:-

14th Finance Commission: Declaration of Service Level Standards Notification 30-08-2019

14th Finance Commission: Declaration of Service Level Standards Notification Part-1

14th Finance Commission: Declaration of Service Level Standards Notification Part-2

            The service level benchmarks have been notified and targets fixed by the Govt. for 2012-13 :-

  1. Water Supply
S. No. Name of Indicator Unit Status on 31-03-2012 Target 2012-13 Achievement on
1. Household level coverage of direct water supply connection.  %                  71%              73%             73% 
2. Per Capita quantum of      water supplied Litres per day(lpcd)                   40.00              45            120
3. Extent of metering of water  connection    %                    0%             2%                0%
4. Extent of Non – Revenue water    %                   9%              9%                 9% 
5. Continuity of water supply Hours per day                   3               3                  4
6. Efficiency in redressal of  customer complaints     %                74%              78%                   78% 
7. Quality of water supplied    %               100%              100%                 100% 
8. Cost recovery in water supply services     %                 3.5%                 5%                  3.4% 
9. Efficiency in collection of  water related charges     %                 93%                94%                   94% 

2. Sewerage

S. No. Name of Indicator Unit Status on 31-03-2012 Target 2012-13 Achievement on
1. coverage of toilets % 100% 100% 100%
2. coverage of waste water network services % 60.1% 65% 65%
3. Efficiency in collection of water. % 2% 5% 2%
4. Adequacy of capacity for treatment of waste water. % 209% 209% 209%
5. Quality of waste water treatment % 100% 100% 100%
6. Extent of recycling or reuse of waste water % 0% 0% 0%
7. Extent of cost recovery in waste water management % 3% 4% 3%
8. Efficiency in redressal of customer complaints. % 72% 75% 75%
9. Efficiency in collection of sewerage charge.  % 100% 100% 100%

Solid Waste Management

S.No. Name Of Indicator Unit Status as on 31.03.2012 Target    2012-13 Achievement as on 30.09.2012
1. Household level coverage of SWM services through door to door collection of waste % 20.0% 25% 25%
2. Collection efficiency % 85% 88% 88%
3. Extent of segeration of waste % 0% 5% 0%
4. Extent of processing of waste collected. % 0% 0% 0%
5. Extent of scienitific disposal of waste in landfill sites. % 0% 0% 0%
6. Extent of cost recovery in SWM services % 0% 0% 0%
7. Efficiency in redresal of customer complaints % 75% 80% 80%
8. Efficiency in collection of SWM charges. % 0% 0% 0%

4. Solid waste Management

S.No Name of Indicator Unit Status as on 31.03.2012 Target    2012-13 Achievement as on 30.09.2012
1. Coverage of strom water draining network % 0% 2% 0%
2. Aggregate number of incidents of water lagging reported in a year Number per year 0 0 0

  • We all have an obligation to keep the city clean.
  • Smoking is prohibited in public places.
  • Water is precious please save it.
  • Do not burn garbage.

M.C. Shree Naina Devi Ji
Himachal Pradesh, India
Pincode: 174310
Email : mcnainadevi[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : +91-1978-288025